CKSummertime VBS
July 22nd-26th 2024
Send your kids on an splash-tastic Adventure!
For kids entering pre-school to 5th grade
At Scuba VBS, kids dive into friendship with God!
Scuba is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences
that kids see, hear, and touch!
Hands-on crafts, team-building games,
unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few
of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life.
(Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy.
Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.)
Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence
of God in everyday life—something we call God Sightings®.
Get ready to hear that phrase a lot!
Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us at Fin-tastic Finale each
day at 11:45am, a daily celebration of God’s friendship, hope, and love!
So mark these dates on your calendar: July 22nd through the 26th.
The fun starts at 9:00am each day and will end at 12:00 noon.
Cost is $35.00 per child
Register your children now for this life-changing adventure!

Volunteers Needed! Adults or Teens
Participants and Volunteers
sign up here (below)