Join Us For Mass and Services
Saturdays at 4:30pm, Sundays at 7:45, and 9:30am
Tuesday-Friday at 8:30am
Adoration: Tuesday 9:00am, and again at 6:00pm (to 9:00pm)
Stations of the Cross: Fridays During Lent at 5:30pm
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from OneLicense with License #A-704853
Mass Intentions
March 4th-9th
Tuesday, March 4th: 8:30am
Jack McCarthy
Wednesday, March 5th:
8:30am Larry (Sr) & JoAnn Burns
5:30pm Ron Vershaw
Thursday, March 6th: 8:30am
Sara Vega
Friday, March 7th: 8:30am
Karen Sheets, and
Edna & Jerry Girormini
Saturday, March 8th: 4:30pm
Jim & Pam Van, and
Fr Don Levitt
Sunday, March 9th
7:45am Kathy Barrett
9:30am Clarence Klauer

Are you unable to physically attend Mass due to health concerns? We do have Eucharistic ministers who can come and bring the Holy Eucharist to you during the weekdays. Just call the parish office and talk to Judy to set this up.
If you would like to set up a Mass Intention,
call the Parish Office to schedule:
Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm
Can't get to church to
bring your contribution?
Just use "WeShare"
to send us a one time donation,
or set up a recurring donation.